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017. I'm back. hoho

December 2, 2010 | cakciboo

Daku kembali...hoho

~~ hello ~~ annyeonghasaeyo ~~ ohaiyo~~~

yay~ I AM BACK....yeah~after almost a year I left this blog...*hoho*
I guess if u imagine this blog as a room..then it will be a VERY MESSY room aite now..huahua *bersawang2 la jawabnyer kan...kuikui*
dah memamng dasar tuannyer pon ala2 malas nak hapdet blog...
normally (actually always) update latest news bout me @ FB & Twitter only.... ;D

sorry mr.blog....saya telah meng-ignore anda selama ini...uhui~

hmmm...there's sooooo maannyyyy thing happen in this past year....
(since we almost enter the year of 2011) n of coz a lotz of thing I want to share here... but since I'm a lazy type...so I'm gnna do it slowly ya.....*sile bersabar*
yeah2....I know...I already been slow....*cam siput ha..* huhu~

hmm......where should I start it???
oh yeah~ really loves the KPOP part...ngehehe~~~~~ *evil laugh*

I have to tell it at other post ya..huhu~ since it's going to be...so damn long...*believe me* XD

until now.....
let's together throws confetti for me...haha for my came back -- the return of MEhere @ blog.....*LOL~*

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016. SS2 - not going~ =(

March 28, 2010 | cakciboo

hell yeah~ it's been an ages.. I'm not 'membebel' here..huahua
if this is a room,its already 'bersawang' eh...haha
just suddenly wanna type smething (more to share) about my k-pop fever..lalala~

ini die coretan perjalanan chentaku terhadap k-pop world..(wah tajuk)


kyahhh my favourite korean boyband - SUPER JUNIOR will cme here- Malaysia today~! yay! super duper happy...they will cme for their Asia Tour tomorrow... @ Bukit Jalil... waahhhh~ I'm super excited that I don't care eh eh eh... to buy the expensive tix @ RM458-seated number (c, how crazy I am).. I manages 2 'feel' n snap picca with that tix..the tix already with me for about a month now...but then..sad thing happen.. my dad said I could't go bcoz of our family matters n furthermore he's really worried of me..as I am not really in a well condition yet.. (having migrain n bad alergic) lately..kene la akur n xelh nak wat aper since ayah dh kater cmtuh...
*feel like cm nk terjatuh gak jntug that time...hukhuk* oh fren~ I'm so not going~!! =(

I (n many ELF here) been told SuJu oppa will arrived @ KLIA at 4.45pm today.. since yesterday I feel like going there - KLIA..to welcoming our oppaS..huhu
but "lucky" me I got mid-term exam @ college that gnna start at 3pm-4pm... uish xsempat kot nk g pas exam pon...my eonni (sister) said she n other friends already b there @ almost 1pm n already got many ELF waiting 4 our beloved oppa... then I just like "okeh..not my rezki yet 2 c them"...dah rmai pon smpai... klu pegi pn nmpak pale manusia + rkyat jelata yg rmai tuh jela..hukhuk
hmm...exam dh beh...around 4..I feel really bored n keep teringat sal SuJU...since so xley g knsert..
really feel down... (nver feel like this b4)...ayyo~ then suddeny...Bling! (mentol nyer gmba tepi mate smbal angkat jari telunjuk - idea la!) ahah! nk pegi stalk oppa la @ hotel dorang..ehe
since I know where theygnna live.. - its Hotel Grand Milennium really jst side-by-side with Pavilion..=)

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