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ada rasa iri hati....

April 9, 2012 | cakciboo

yer betul tu...mmg ade pon rasa iri hati dlm diri ni...

terutama kan...dekat kawan2 yg dh pergi jalan2 luar negara tuh! huuuuuuuuuu~
aku bila lagi(sering kali persoalan ni timbul) huahua
erm yela belum smpai/ belum ada rezeki lagi kan.

ternanti2 jugak bila la masa gumbire tu nk dtg yer......hm~~~~
untung nyer la kwn2 yg berkemampuan pergi tu. at least dorng dh penah rasa suasana hidup luar.

nk dijadikan cerita.....
aku ni memang suke join contest2 ni... (ape lak kene mengena kan? ;p)
ha inilah kaitannyer....... Holika2 wat contest kat FB page dorng which is winner berpeluang pergi Thailand (semua perbelanjaan ditaja oleh mereka + dgn tiket konsert CNBLUE skali wokeh!)
ahamdulillah nama aku tersenarai!!!! can u believe itttttttttttt??? *oh my eyes*

sgt la rasa teruja, sexcited nyer mse tuh. pastu rse risau lak dgn reaction parents aku nnti. al - maklumla dorng ni aku dh agk dh jwpn dorng nnti. ssh nk lps me as the only anak pompuan kua, tambah2 g ngara org kan. mcm2 la aku pujuk....
penddekkn cerita 2days before close date utk bg keputusan join/ not for the trip, ayah & mama xbrape sihat. demam + peing pale (mse tuh mmg musim panas melampau + hujan ptg). aku pon mule la rse yg kebarangkalian aku xjoin trip tu ade. oh telah ditakdirkan jugak besoknya aku pula migrain! hahhhhhhh! time ni la kau nk dtg pon! *ngeluh*
mmg sah2 xjoin trip ni. ayah aku PLAING RISAU bila migrain aku dtg. sbb aku cam byk warisi ayah aku la. bila migrain ambik few days nk betul2 baik. ;(

hmmmm~ gitu la kependekkan cerita dia kan. (xde la pendek mne, panjang la jugak). haha
sedih sgt + meronta2 hati nk pergi. CNBLUEEEEEEEEEE! bkn jodoh kitaaaaaaaa~~~~~ *wat scene ala2 cerita hindustan* @.@

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Touch Korea

April 8, 2012 | cakciboo

Start writing blog to stand a chance to meet 2PM & miss A, famous Kpop idol groups artists in Korea and you will experience the Korea Tour with them!

Contest Period : Friday, April 6, 2012 – Monday, 30 April, 2012
Date of Announcement : Monday, May 7, 2012
Who can join ? : Malaysian citizen who operates a blog, Age 16 and above

How can you take part in ?

1. Click the button on our facebook page at www.facebook.com/KoreaPlazaKL

2. Click the button inside the to participate.

3. Participants have to submit the URL of blog posts and personal information by posting it in the event’s wall.
For example:
Name :
Age :
Gender :
URL Blog :

4. Write a blog post subjects as below and share it out in your Social Networking Services (SNS) to increase the chances to meet 2PM & miss A in Korea Tour.

5. Blog's posting must be in English only.
Post Subjects :
1. What inspires you about Korea?
2. Reasons why you should be selected as the one to join the Touch Korea Tour? *

Tips : Your chances for winning increases if you compose meaningful information on Korea (Example: Food, interesting places and etc.) instead of posting aimless contents.Selection

Criteria :
1. Creativity of the contents.
2. Popularity of blog & SNS (Facebook, Twitter and etc.)

Benefits : One winner will have the opportunities to experience the Touch Korea Tour with 2PM & miss A in June for 7 days & 5 nights stay in Korea (actual date and period will be announced soon).All expenses such as accommodation, air flight ticket & living expenses (excluding additional airport taxes if applied by airline and personal expenses) will be sponsored by Korea Tourism Organization.Winner will continue to blog about his or her experience of Touch Korea Tour after the trip for Korea Tourism Organization.

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Are you a Malaysian? Do you use Facebook? Twitter? Here are some presents for you!

January 29, 2012 | cakciboo

Are you a Malaysian? Do you use Facebook? Twitter? Here are some presents for you!: Win prizes ranging from cool gadgets, shopping vouchers, experiences and more when you share a SAYS Social Recommendation to your friends on Facebook and Twitter. 
By choosing your favorite prizes from the Weekly Giveaway, every unique visit received after sharing a Social Recommendation will leave you with a +1 chance of winning a prize you chose. Even better, invite a friend and receive +10 chances!

Here how you can do :
click on this link - http://says.com/my/nut_me/recommendations/saysweeklygiveaway , it will connect you directly to Says.com page. ;D

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Welcome 2012

January 2, 2012 | cakciboo

It s a brand new year. Alhamdulillah...
In the past year I have been through a lot of things, both sad & happy story. Moving into a new house, start working etc. Having quite a hard time to make myself comfortable with new house, new environment. Even though some of the experienced giving me headache, such a hard time...Alhamdulillah I am still manage to handle it. There still a lot more things I need to achieved this year., Therefore I am looking forward in what kind / how far I can go + do this year. I have made some resolutions which I hope it will turn up well later on. Hope to become a good and better person this year.Insyaallah....

Oh ya,I can even smile leaving the 2011 away, since I have done a lot of happy things last year. One of it --> my work contract was extended to another 6 months. (until May 2012) ^^,

Another thing is meeting some of my favorite k-pop idol up-close. I also make some new friends through some events, plus we have bond a good relationship towards each other day by day. Some of them are Chinese, plus Sabahan.

If I have to list all the events that I have joint so far, these are the list :

1)U-Kiss Fanmeeting
2)DIGI Kpop Live Party + HITZ private TV Recording
3)Kim Hyun Joong - The Face Shop
4)JYJ Showcase
5)Super Junior - Super Show 3
6)Justin Bieber World Tour
7)Jang Geun Seuk CRI Show
8)Suara Kami
9)Kim Hyun Joong - The Face Shop Tour
10) Korean Music Wave
11) FT ISLAND FanMeets

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